Pageflip5 documentation

Add Content to the Book

As discussed before, there are 2 ways to set up the Book contents: these examples below can be placed directly in the div#pageflip or in an external file.

Example 1:

Cover is a special Page type, it can be larger as the inside Pages, and can behave like a Hard cover while flipping.

Page defines a single Page in the Book.

Example 2 - There is a third type: the Outer Page. You can add optionaly one before the Book, and one after:

Example 3 - If you want to make a Book which is always opened (can't close the front cover) enable AlwaysOpened Config Option (AlwaysOpened: true) and start Page definitions by the first visible Cover:

And this is how these Page Layouts looks like:


In addition to the Configuration-Options, there are some page level options that can help setting up page behaviors. Here is a list of available Page-Options:

Loads a HTML content to the Page, replacing original Page Content if any.
Loads a background image to that page, while HTML content can display on top of it.
If disabled, page will not be unloaded if no longer needed to display.
Disable center shadow/shine effect on the Book.
Page is transparent (The page behind it, will also rendered).
setting it to "true" causes that page flip like hard covers.
Set the Page Number of the Page.
Set the Name of the Page. It will be displayed in place of the Page Number.
Set the Label of the Page. It can be used to reference this page ( API: gotoPageLabel( "pageLabel" [,skip] ); ).
Stores custom Page Data.
Thumbnail image associated with the Page.

And an example how you can set Page-Options:

Page Content

The most important part, after reviewing all the options, it's how to add content. Once you set up your book, and the Page Layout, you can easy add/change its Content.

Inline Content

As seen in the previous code examples, the Page definition div's content is the Content added to the Page. The container of the content can be formatted with CSS, will talk about it little later.


If you wish, you can load the Page Content from an external file, in this case the Content defined inline will be replaced with the loaded Content.


The third option to add Content, is to simply define a background image for the page. The loaded background image will be added to the Page container div, which encloses the defined Content

This is just another option, if you wish you can set a div as Page Content, and add your own background, with more styling options. This option is useful if you make a Book based on image files, so you don't need to define all img tags, just add the URL


If the content on that page can be edited (like form entries, selection), you can prevent it from unloading while it isn't displayed, so it will keep its content. Default setting is true, that means pages no longer needed to display are automatically unloaded. All unloaded pages are reloaded when requested, but user edited content are lost in that case.

Page Content Loading Order

The loading order of the page contents are depending on the way they was defined: all inline defined content will be loaded at start, while content defined in data-background-file or data-html-file attributes will be loaded only when the page containing them is displayed.

Page Setup


By default, all soft pages get an embossing effect at the center of the book. With Option enabled, you disable rendering of that effect on the Page.


If Transparency was previously enabled in the Configuration-Options, you can mark a Page transparent by enabling this Option, so the Page behind it will also rendered.


You can change the page number of any Page, it's useful for set the starting page number, the rest of the Pages will numbered based on this value.


By adding a name to a Page, it will be displayed instead its Page Number. It can be also referenced using API call: gotoPageName( "pageName" [,skip] ); The Name is case-insensitive. You can also enter Page Name in the Pager input field, to go to that Page.


You can add a label to a page, to later reference it with API call: gotoPageLabel( "pageLabel" [,skip] ); This way, if the page order is changed (added/ removed pages), you can still access safely the page you want. The label is case-sensitive!


With this custom variable, you can associate any information with the Page, you can retrieve or set it's value at runtime using API call: data( [value] );


If enabled in Configuration-Options, you can add thumbnail images for any Page. It is optional, thumbnail will be displayed only for Pages with thumbanil-image set. This way, Thumbnails can be an alternative for an index.